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Baked Cottage cheese Crêpes

Hello foodies, this recipe is perfect for when you have a sweet tooth, but you don't want to indulge in sweet Nutella crepes. Although there is nothing wrong with a little spoon of Nutella on the side, we all have a spoonful of Nutella on its own from time to time, let's not fool each other.

So let's get right on that recipe! As for crepes, the classic ingredients are used with a twist of chia seeds. I added them because it gives the crepes a particular texture. However, you don't need to add them, just personal preference.

Crepe mixture ingredients:

~White wheat flour/ or oat flour

~Chia seeds

~Oat milk/ or cows milk


~Pinch od salt

~Sparkling water

~Orange zest

Crepe filling ingredients:

~Cottage cheese

~Coconut sugar/ white or brown sugar

~Oat milk/ cows milk

~Frozen forest fruit

Sauce ingredients:

~Cottage cheese


~Coconut sugar/ white or brown sugar


Bake the crepes on a non- stick pan and stack them up on a plate, while the oven is heating on 200C. Mix the filling ingredients with a spoon and spread it into each pancake and place each of them right next to each other into the ovenware. Lastly, pour the sauce evenly into the ovenware and put it into the oven for 15-20 minutes. Make sure that at the end of baking, the sauce gets that yellowish/ golden color. After 20 minutes, bring the crepes out of the oven and let them cool off for a few minutes. Lastly, sprinkle some cinnamon on top or frozen berries. (optional) Voila :D Enjoy this easy recipe and if you have any questions drop me a message :D

Disclaimer: The reason why I have inserted alternative ingredients is because I am aware that in different countries, prices are higher on certain items. With that being said, one or the other ingredient can be used in the recipe which makes it affordable. So you can play around and try which way of making the recipe suits your taste best.

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